Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Happy Mail day!

I've failed miserably at keeping up with my blog, but I DO want to say that it's because we've been enjoying the heck out of summer. So far we've enjoyed time at the lake, the water park, the library, at VBS, and finally the girls spent 2 weeks at Kanakuk for the first time ever and they loved every minute! More on all that later, but for now, I want to show off what just arrived in my mailbox.  I love happy mail days!

This one's the latest kit from Noel Mignon called South Shore. It's fabulous! And it's going to be perfect for all the pics I've taken this summer. Stay tuned because pretty soon we're having a summer online crop, and I'll be using this one up for sure!  

Be back soon with more!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Our July 4th holiday weekend

Once again we were at the lake for the July 4th holiday with all the cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and great grandparents. It was a good time for everyone--hot, but good. Here's a little bit of what it looked like.

The first day we were at Nana's, where all the kids played hard in the water. I LOVE seeing them on the rafts together, because I know it'll be so fun to look back on one day.

The next day there was even more playing in the water at Grandmother and Granddaddy's house. Once again the inflatable boat was popular as well as the water guns. There was also a good bit of fishing, but it was the daddies who caught the big ones of the day (and no pictures to prove it).

Later in the day we rode in the boat all the way to Clear Creek to visit even more aunts, uncles and cousins. 2 of the boys fell asleep on the boat, so the others played without them.

(Quite possibly my favorite pic of her from this summer so far.)

And then we went home to celebrated the boys' birthdays (they're born exactly a year and a week a part) with the whole family. Sad to say that because of this, Mac hasn't ever really had a "true" birthday party. We're hoping to change that soon though.

And then it was time for fireworks. We celebrated both at Nana's on the true 4th with sparklers, and then watched the Duncan Bridge show from Grandmother's front porch on the 5th. I'm combining all my firework/sparkler pics together in to one section.

And that pretty much sums up our 4th of July weekend. Hope yours was good as well!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Berry Picking

Catching up a little bit--Over Father's Day weekend, we went to a local farm that was hosting a Black and Blueberry Festival where we got to pick our own berries.We hit the blueberry patch (orchard?) first, because we knew we wanted more blueberries than blackberries. At first the kids didn't like it because the first of the bushes had really tart berries on them. Eventually we realized that we should taste-test the bushes to find which ones we liked the most. So it wasn't unheard of for one of us to shout, "HEY!!! I found a gooood one!" and a few kids would come running to help pick all the ripe berries. Here are my favorite pics.

Baby Boy lost interest in picking REALLY quickly, so he decided he'd man the wagon which worked well.

After the blueberries we chose to pick a pint or two of blackberries. These ended up making a GREAT cobbler, and I sorta wish we'd picked more...

And then the light was so pretty next to the car, I snapped SK carrying some blueberries.