I'm in the most warm fuzzy, nostalgic Christmas mood right now. I've just finished putting up the last of the lights on our tree. There's a smooth jazzy Christmas CD lully me back to Christmases of past as I rummage through all of our ornaments. And I realize that yet again God has been so good to me and my family this year as He has been in years past. As I shift through our boxes, and I mean BOXES, of ornaments, I'm reliving all the memories that are attached to them. There's the silver photo frame of me and Josh on our honeymoon. It's only been six years but that trip seems like a lifetime ago, and we looked so young. We had no idea where God would lead us, and no clue what all we'd go through together but we knew we'd stick together no matter what. Then there's the medallion I made at "parents night out" at church when I was in 3rd grade with my permed 80s hair and my "Coca-cola" shirt. There's all my sport memorabilia, like the time I first made the volleyball team, and my All-star banners. I always loved Santa shooting a lay-up. I went through a Winnie-the-pooh phase in high school. I'm sure Caroline will love those. But then there's more sentimental ones too. I can't write more about them, because as I type I'm crying, no idea why. I guess it's the wonder of it all. The countless symbols that adorn my tree, my house, that are a reminder of my life. My memories, good and bad, represent who I am, who I've become, and how gracious, faithful the Lord has been throughout my life.

As I'm sifting through the ornaments and my thoughts I realize I'm setting a precedent for my baby girls. These are the traditions that have been passed down to me and now I get to pass it to them. Like red balls placed deep into the tree. Mom told me that Granddaddy used to do that to give the tree depth. And now I get to pass that on. It's such a precious thought to me. I can't even begin to explain it. But decorating the Christmas tree was such a big even in our family. Egg nog, Christmas music, retelling the stories behind the ornaments as we hang them, it's one tradition that I still cling to. I hope and pray that my girls have as many vivid memories of Christmas, of family, of friends, and of blessings that I have. Tonight they'll get to join in all the fun. I know that they won't remember their first decorating experience, but I'm looking forward to it. One day I'll tell them all the stories behind the ornaments just like they were told to me. And they'll begin to build up their ornament collection just like Mom started one for me. And tonight I get to watch my little girls' eyes glaze over in delight at the sight of their first Christmas tree. I get to enjoy that moment!

So I guess this was my Clark Griswald walk down memory lane (if you haven't seen Christmas Vacation, you MUST see it.) Thanks for letting me share, even though it's my own blog. I knew this thing would come in handy! :)