Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I've fallen in love
Isn't this mailbox just adorable? I've fallen in love with them! I got it (and 8 others) at Target to alter for Valentines Day, and I'm just smitten with them! On this particular mailbox, I used the Crop Addict February Manufacturer's kit, which happens to be Scenic Route's Loveland. And I LOVE it! I'm really having a blast designing with that kit! It's right up my alley!!! Rich, vivid colors, with a little funk too! Love it! Love it ALL! (Can I say the word "love" any more in one post? I don't think so!) :)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I'm so excited!!! Scrapbooks Etc. just called, and want to publish one of my LOs!!! WooooHoooooo! I can't believe it! They want it for the May/June issue, which means I'll be in BOTH CK AND SBE in the month of May!!! OMGosh! I can hardly contain my excitement!
When I set my 2008 scrappy goals, one of them was to get published. I thought that, you know, I'll submit,submit,submit, and maybe SOMEONE will pick something up! Now, it's not even the end of January and not one but TWO mags want my LOs!! And they're not just any ole magazines either! I'm so excited! Thanks for letting me live in the moment for just a minute. I'm sure I'll come down from Cloud 9 soon!
Now I get to hang this sign in my galleries!!!

I've always wanted to do that!
When I set my 2008 scrappy goals, one of them was to get published. I thought that, you know, I'll submit,submit,submit, and maybe SOMEONE will pick something up! Now, it's not even the end of January and not one but TWO mags want my LOs!! And they're not just any ole magazines either! I'm so excited! Thanks for letting me live in the moment for just a minute. I'm sure I'll come down from Cloud 9 soon!
Now I get to hang this sign in my galleries!!!

I've always wanted to do that!
Just a quick check in to brag a bit--My "Year in Review" page I made with the Crop Addict Feb. kit won LOTD at A Million Memories! WooHoo! Check it out! It's always nice to receive some props for all the hardwork that gets put into LOs! Thanks for letting me share! :)
Monday, January 28, 2008
More layouts and some ramblings
I've been scrapbooking like crazy lately! I must go in spurts, but I have all the ideas and I can't keep them all straight. I guess it'd help if I weren't being a little ADD about it all too. This morning alone I started altering a frame, put it down. Then started making a card (all of a sudden fallen in love with card making). Put it down. Saw some paper out of the corner of my eye like it was beckoning me to play with it, so I grabbed it and ended up making a LO I'm really happy about. It's very Heidi Swapp-ish. Now if only the next scrapping "star" will be Heidi, then I'll have a one up. (Check out Coordinates Collections Scrapping with the Stars contest, here.) See? Even my ramblings are becoming ADD stream of conscience writing! It must be my frame of mind--that or the fact that I went to bed at 1am!! Anyway, as I was saying, my scrapping has been all over the place. There's so many LOs I want to do. A couple that I have to do, and what do I do instead? Start altering and cardmaking!! What in the world!!! Well, here's what I've done so far. Sorry for the babble. maybe next time I'll be a little more clear headed! And stay tuned, because I've got more LOs and cards coming!

Friday, January 25, 2008
Crop Addict's February kit
Here are the layouts I did with the CA Feb. kit . I must say that I really enjoy being on a Design Team, and my creativity has been stretched so much! I love it!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Birthday blast
I must say that we had so much fun at Caroline's birthday party. She was so cute wearing a little embroidered tee that had an oversized two on it. My SIL had it made, and it was just too cute! All of our guests were to come with the exception of Josh's parents. It wasn't snowing at the time, but they were afraid to leave for the party and get snowed out. They live in the mountains of N. GA, and got a lot of snow/ice/sleet so it was completely understandable that they couldn't come.
I don't think I'd ever seen Caroline "hyper" until the party. She was SO excited! She seemed to know right away that everything was for her. Of course she tried to sneak and open her presents early when I wasn't looking. She also ran around like crazy talking nonsense, and playing with the balloons I'd bought. We had a lot of fun. I got a cupcake for her, so after we cut her big cake, she ate both her cupcake AND some real cake. I got some cute icing-face pictures too. Overall it was a really fun day. I'm glad that we got to spend it with family. They're such a blessing!

I don't think I'd ever seen Caroline "hyper" until the party. She was SO excited! She seemed to know right away that everything was for her. Of course she tried to sneak and open her presents early when I wasn't looking. She also ran around like crazy talking nonsense, and playing with the balloons I'd bought. We had a lot of fun. I got a cupcake for her, so after we cut her big cake, she ate both her cupcake AND some real cake. I got some cute icing-face pictures too. Overall it was a really fun day. I'm glad that we got to spend it with family. They're such a blessing!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Long time no see...
sorry about that. I don't know about you, but I've been busy! It seems like Christmas flew by, then we went to the beach for a week, and then there was just mountains and mountains of laundry to do! Lately I've been preparing for Caroline's b'day party, which is tomorrow. Even though it's going to be a very laid-back party, I've been running around like crazy trying to get things done. I've put off cleaning the house until the very last minute. Otherwise it'll just need to be re-done. But there's been errands like crazy. That coupled with the fact that the girls are now playing together, kinda keeps me on my toes.
Lately I've laid in bed and chuckled to myself at the quotes I'd said throughout the day. Things like, "No, no. Don't feed your sister rocks!" or "Quit eating paper" (to Sarah Kate) and then "Quit feeding her paper!" (to Caroline after realizing what had really occurred). Like I said they keep me on my toes.
Yesterday, Caroline officially turned two. She's been two in spirit for quite some time now, but we're seeing a nurturing quality in her too. She often runs to find Sarah Kate's passy when the baby's crying. She's been carrying her baby doll everywhere she goes, even holding the doll up to the car window saying "look. see? truck. car. tree. see?" It's just so cute! She even puts the doll in its carseat carrier and puts it in the crook of her arm the way I carry Sarah Kate. It's really endearing. I think she's got a tender heart, just sometimes her stubborness gets in the way. (She got it from her momma, what can I say?) Kind of a reality check that she's watching me so closely. The verse about "being imitators of God" comes to mind. I want her to be a Godly woman, and she's gotta learn it somewhere. That somewhere is me. Kinda scary, kinda exciting. But her turning two is bittersweet, just like every birthday will be I guess. Glad she's growing up, but then I don't want her to grow up either.
Last night Dad and Kathy, Katie, and my grandmother all came up to celebrate. They won't be able to come to the party, so they brought cupcakes. A word she learned quickly! She REALLY liked it when we sang "Happy Birthday" and she even blew both her candles out without any prompting! I was so proud!
I'll leave you with some pictures. Trying to get back up to speed. Christmas. Beach. Snow. Birthday. I hope I can fit them all in. We'll see. Sorry I've been neglecting blogger. I'll try to do better. And sorry for the long post, but I wanted to catch up to speed.

Lately I've laid in bed and chuckled to myself at the quotes I'd said throughout the day. Things like, "No, no. Don't feed your sister rocks!" or "Quit eating paper" (to Sarah Kate) and then "Quit feeding her paper!" (to Caroline after realizing what had really occurred). Like I said they keep me on my toes.
Yesterday, Caroline officially turned two. She's been two in spirit for quite some time now, but we're seeing a nurturing quality in her too. She often runs to find Sarah Kate's passy when the baby's crying. She's been carrying her baby doll everywhere she goes, even holding the doll up to the car window saying "look. see? truck. car. tree. see?" It's just so cute! She even puts the doll in its carseat carrier and puts it in the crook of her arm the way I carry Sarah Kate. It's really endearing. I think she's got a tender heart, just sometimes her stubborness gets in the way. (She got it from her momma, what can I say?) Kind of a reality check that she's watching me so closely. The verse about "being imitators of God" comes to mind. I want her to be a Godly woman, and she's gotta learn it somewhere. That somewhere is me. Kinda scary, kinda exciting. But her turning two is bittersweet, just like every birthday will be I guess. Glad she's growing up, but then I don't want her to grow up either.
Last night Dad and Kathy, Katie, and my grandmother all came up to celebrate. They won't be able to come to the party, so they brought cupcakes. A word she learned quickly! She REALLY liked it when we sang "Happy Birthday" and she even blew both her candles out without any prompting! I was so proud!
I'll leave you with some pictures. Trying to get back up to speed. Christmas. Beach. Snow. Birthday. I hope I can fit them all in. We'll see. Sorry I've been neglecting blogger. I'll try to do better. And sorry for the long post, but I wanted to catch up to speed.
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