I'm bravely posting this picture and layout. Josh thinks it's very cheesy, but says "I'm sure scrapbookers will like it." (I rolled my eyes. gee thanks dear.) Really though, as I come to the end of this pregnancy I'm getting kinda emotional about it. Guess I'm hormonal. But this is probably our last kidddo, and so the last time I plan to be pregnant, and well, I kinda want to remember it.
I'm one of those weirdos that actually likes being pregnant. I really do. Even though I have a sore back, an official "outie" bellybutton, can't sit in hard chairs, and the heat is getting to me, I can't help but think what a blessing it is to carry a child! It's easy for me to overlook the hardships when I remember what it was like to LONG for a child only to have 4 miscarriages. Or worse yet, to lose one of our little ones in the womb. Pregnancy is such a blessing to me that I really do LIKE to be pregnant. And on top of all this, having a BOY has made me so so excited! It's a whole new experience in store for us!
(See? I told you I was emotional. or at least sentimental.)
SO...cheesy or not...here I go. I'm posting this picture. Don't laugh. Just know that I'm probably crazy, may even regret it, but want to remember too. ;)

This is another one for The Color Room, this time palette #12. It was a challenge for me to use dark, muted colors, AND orange on top of that! So it's a simple one. I used Oct. Aft. and Amer. Crafts papers, a Hambly transparency, Nikki Sivils burlap buttons, and VERY OLD Heidi Swapp photo corners.
Thanks for letting me share my cheesy, sentimental side of things.
Hope you're having a great Monday!