***If you're here for either the Scrapcetera or My Little Shoebox blog hops, please scroll down.***
This weekend we had our 1st of many soccer Saturdays. Both the girls played, Caroline in the 4-5 league, and Sarah Kate with the 3 yr. olds. We weren't sure how the girls would do since we've only played against each other in the front yard, and I was quite surprised at how well Caroline did. Sarah Kate decided to be almost too shy (and cranky) to play. But more on that later.
In her game, Caroline had 3 different breakaways, but none ended in a goal. One time she got tired and quit 3/4 of the way down the field, another time her shoe fell off 3/4 of the way, and the last time the ball got taken away. She also did fairly well playing defense. Well, as well as a 4 yr. can. The thing that cracked me up though was when she got tired, she'd stand at mid-field, point, and direct (boss) her team on which way they should kick it. That's SO like her! Hee! :D Here are some of her highlights:

And then it was Sarah Kate's turn to play. But poor girl is just like her daddy in more ways than just looks. When she's hungry, she's cranky. And that was the case at her soccer game. She'd sat patiently through Caroline's game, saw they got snacks at the end, and decided she wanted some too. Soo, she refused to let go of Josh's hand the whole practice, and then when they started the game, she didn't want to play. I had to go buy her a snack just to get something in her, and by the end she did play a little. But by play I mean that she walked onto the field and reluctantly kicked the ball. She wasn't a happy camper until after lunchtime. So of course her favorite part of soccer was getting her own team snack at the end. Notice the smile behind the bag. ;)

So that was our soccer Saturday. And after lunch, I came home and crashed! (Even missed the Ole Miss game, but that's probably a good thing.) It was a FUN first soccer outing for sure!
Hope you've had a good weekend too!
So bright and Beautiful!