Whew! It's been crazy busy around here lately, and I feel like I'm barely coming up for air. Especially since I have no clue where October went! And for some reason I feel like the holidays are right on top of us now. I *will* slow down, I'm going to make myself. Promise.
Since its been a (long) while since I posted last, I thought I'd try to catch up to speed with a hodgepodge of stuff. **warning** It's a lot of photos.
First we went to a REAL pumpkin patch.

We've enjoyed playing in the leaves too.

And then of course there was Halloween (pics from this coming).
And in other news, I've been scrapping too! Here's a layout I did for
My Little Shoebox this month featuring their Harmony collection.

The DT was also sponsored by
Creative Charms this month. Thank you so much Creative Charms for sharing your product with us! I LOVE your vintage flowers, rhinestones, bling, and brads! You can see how I used their bling and vintage flower here.

Well, that's all for now. I'm still editing pictures from other activities like trick-or-treating, the church's Reformation party, and a silly outing to IHOP for scary face pancakes. The Lord has blessed me by allowing
my little photography venture to really get up and running! Great is His faithfulness for sure! He provides just what we need at just the right time.
And, one last thing. (If you're still reading then you're a champ, and I need to give you a hug!) The other little venture that's taking up some time is this
awesome gig that'll be Nov. 12th and 13th in Alabama. So if you're in the Birmingham area and want to drop by, come say hi to me and
Virginia. We're putting a table together for it.
Alrighty. Well I think that's enough for now. I'll be back with some more photos and scrappy goodness very soon! Thanks for hanging in there with me! ;)