Hmm....what started out as what I thought would be my 4 Wordless Wednesday June posts has now transformed in to this. Wordy. Mainly because there's a story, however boring it may be, behind each photo. So it can't really be "wordless". But I do hope to keep everything fairly concise.
Day 1 assignment: self-portrait:

Taken in the bathroom mirror in very poor lighting, which I'm trying to disguise with a cross-process photo action.
I had all kinds of hopes and many more creative ideas like taking my picture in the side mirror of the car (where I spent most of the day), or in the mirror that's opposite the dining room table where I scrap...but I forgot my camera both times. So a plain ol' non-creative self portrait in the bathroom mirror will have to suffice for today.
Day 2 assignment: what you're wearing--SWEAT.

Well, since our air conditioning went out today with record highs around 97 degrees (heat index in the 100s), I was wearing SWEAT! lol! In fact, you can see it rolling down my forehead above my eye. I literally feel a film of it covering my skin. Isn't that a lovely mental picture? Ew, no. But for the record today I also wore a tank top, mandatory in this heat, and black gauchos with no make-up . And my hair started out in a ponytail and ended up in a bun because even the ponytail felt "hot". You can see a loose ends of my bun up there on top.
Day 3: Favorite place to be

This one was hard for me since my 2 favorite places to be, the lake and at Kamp, are in Alabama and Missouri respectively. So I chose to do a self-timer shot of me and Mac on our couch where we spend each morning looking at the flowers, the birds, and watch the world go by. It's my favorite place in my house (yes, even more so than my scrap room) because of the special moments spent there. Sorry it's so badly back lit that you can see my huge hydrangea on the other side of the window. :(
Day 4: A high angle

My computer buddy pulling up on my leg. He pulls up on EVERYthing now. And he's shuffling his feet to get where he wants to go. It's all too soon for me but since he'll be one next month I guess it's time.
Day 5: whatever you want

Well I didn't intend to turn this in the "photos of McClain" blog post, but I loved this one of him in his high chair. If you look closely you can see his teeth. (hint: they're all on his left, so his smile's a little lopsided. hee!)
Day 6: a low angle

Mmmmm.....popcicles outside. For this one I laid down on their plastic picnic table and nearly royally busted onto the patio!
Day 7: a silhouette

This was last night's sunset as we left the ballpark, which is across the street from the church that hosts the league. Not only do I love sunset pictures, but what I really enjoyed about this one was how the beams of light were peeking out from the clouds. That's what made me stop and take a picture. That and it was nighttime and I hadn't don't my assignment for the day.
But just now as I look at it more closely, the 2 clouds on the right look like hands tenderly holding something. Do they not? They stopped me in my tracks for a minute. This is particularly meaningful, especially with the cross in the foreground. I can't help but see the implication of Christ holding me in His hands with the sunbeams suggesting hope in midst of the clouds. My cloudiness. I won't go in to it, but this is huge for me. Huge. And very very timely. Like Godly timeliness. And here I was just taking a picture of a silhouette to complete my photography must for the day. Funny how God works in the little things. Guess He wanted to get my attention. Well. He's got it.
That's all I've got. For now. Off to think, ponder and pray now that my attention's been grabbed.
Happy Not-So-Wordless Wednesday!