Like I said in my previous post, we had a blast at Disney. If you can spare me just a moment, here are some of my favorite highlights.
Of course we met characters. We ended up meeting all of the Princesses, which as a big priority. The only one we didn't see and get an autograph from was Pocahontas. She's only at Animal Kingdom and we missed her the half day we were there. :(

Prince Eric was my favorite meet-n-greet. He actually walked up to us while we were in line because the little girls in front of us were afraid of him. Caroline just so happened to be eating some ice cream when he walked up and took the spoon from her. He pretended to eat the bite, but then fed it to her instead. And he didn't stop his antics there when it was our turn to meet him and Ariel. After signing her book and posing for the obligatory photo, he knelt down, pointed to the camera, and told her he had a secret. As he leaned in to whisper in her ear he actually gave her a kiss on the cheek instead and boy was she caught off guard! She turned SO BRIGHT RED! It was too cute really, and now she can say she's been kissed by a prince! :D Lucky for me, I have it all caught on camera. A layout will be coming soon to a blog near you.
There were character meals. This is all of us at Chef Mickeys for breakfast.

And there were plenty of rides!

And I declare NOW that her daddy will teach her how to drive! lol! We zigzagged all OVER that track! But we laughed so hard that my cheeks hurt by the end of it. Well worth the whiplash in my opinion.
And if it looks like I only rode with Caroline, it's because that's partly true. Sarah Kate insisted on riding with Daddy or Aunt Katie every. single. time. I gave her a hard time about it though. ;) Also, I'M in a lot of these pics because Josh doesn't "do" the rides. If it spins, twirls, or anything like that, he's a no go. He DID let his oldest talk him in to riding the Thunder Mountain Railroad roller coaster with her. And he survived. :) What a good Daddy!
There were posed, candid, and staged shots too.

At Animal Kingdom

I had to shoot quick to get this one.
That boy would NOT wear his ears!

Mr. Charming with his princesses

after the Nemo ride at Epcot

while waiting to enter the Magic Kingdom
I wish McClain hadn't been asleep. :(
But I didn't have the heart to wake him.
And of course the girls loved the Bippity Bobbity Boutique. They both chose the same hair style with hair extentions. SK's were pink that happened to glow-in-the-dark. Caroline's matched her own hair color so she really did resemble Belle a little bit.

Overall, a great trip full of wonderful memories!

Thanks for letting me share!