Monday, April 14, 2014

A Fun Announcment

I'm the newest designer at Layouts and Projects

I'm super excited to finally get to announce that I've been selected to become a member of the Noel Mignon Design Team!!  Yep, that's right. I'm designing again, and this time for my absolute favorite kit club!!! I'm really excited that Noel has asked me to be a part of the team. I can't wait to get started! 

The the girls at Noel Mignon are also celebrating the Grand Opening of their new website, and have a little Egg Hunt going on right now. One lucky winner will receive a free May kit! Here are a few of the details, but all the rules and how to play are on the blog, so go check it out!


Be sure to check it out! Can't wait to see you there!!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Day with Thomas the Train (part 2)

Since I've shared about the train ride I'll move right on to the other activities we got to do while at the Train Depot, some of which I don't have pics of.  The kids got to meet Sir Topham Hat, play with bubble wands, have story time with Thomas, play a version of putt putt golf, and we had a picnic in there too. Towards the end of the day we let the kids climb on the old trains, ring their bell, and imagine driving the trains. Here's what that looked like.

And that's what our Day with Thomas looked like. Super fun, pretty rainy, kinda windy, but lots of memories they're still talking about, which makes it a win in my book.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Day with Thomas the Train (part 1)

We finished off Spring Break with an outing that Mom set up for all the grand kids, A Day with Thomas the Train. It was a great way to finish off our break, and a huge bonus was that our cousins came in town to join in the fun. I took so many pics that I'll share the first half today and more tomorrow. But here's how the cold, windy day went.

While waiting on our turn to ride the train, we hit the tent that housed table after table of trains. There were probably 25+ train tables each with different Thomas accessories for the kids to play with. I think my guy could've stayed there forever, he loved it so much.  

Then it was time to go ride the train. Mom bought all the kids their own conductor's hat, which turned out pretty cute even if it did bend all their ears forward. 

I'll stop here for now. The train ride was definitely the hightlight, but there was a lot more that we got to do too. So I'll share those tomorrow.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Spring Break: Day 4

Day 4 of Spring Break was more of an at home day for us. I needed to get caught up with stuff around the house and run a few errands, and the kids all needed new shoes.We went to Target to get our copy of Frozen where they also just so happened to have a BOGO 1/2 off sale on shoes and we were all excited when we each got a new pair. Why is it that I go to Target for one thing and end up with a buggy-full by the time I'm ready to leave?! That was definitely the case with this trip. In the afternoon we met up with a sweet friend of ours at the park and the girls enjoyed playing on the tire swing.

AND....that was day 4.

I'm not even in the same LEAGUE with Karen Russell, but having taken her class twice now, I can say that she's seriously influenced my shooting. I even got brave enough to venture out to a store with my "big" camera and take pictures. Ha! It's the little things I guess. But I'm thankful that I was able to capture a normal day in the life, because I really adore the way I captured C helping Mac try on his shoes or the way SK was trying on every stinkin' pair of ladies shoes that had an ounce of bling on them.  Those are the tiny tid bits that I'd more than likely forget if I didn't have a picture. So I'm thankful for Karen and her encouragement to take our cameras with us, even if we look like a crazy lady shooting on our stomachs in the middle of the aisle at Target. In this case, it was worth it. :)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring Break: Days 2 and 3

After the ballgame Monday night, we went to the farm to visit my grandmother.  It just so happened that it was also her 85th birthday! We spent the day painting, one of her favorite things to do, since it was super cold and windy. The kids also loved banging out "songs" on the piano, the tambourine, and using one of the old hymnals laying around. The next day we were able to get outside a bit more, and I enjoyed the chance to capture a few shots around the farm. The kids walked to the mailbox with Maw Maw (a benchmark in growing up since the mailbox is a ways away), and enjoyed picking her a bouquet of daffodils.  It was a really good visit, and I'm glad we were able to go.

I included a pic of C eating straight out of the bowl because we found out that she has a huge appetite for homemade cheese grits to the point where she ate what was on her plate and went straight for the bowl! lol! It was cute. Both mornings Maw Maw made us a traditional "farm" breakfast that we've all come to love. There's nothing like waking up on the farm to the smell the bacon, biscuits and gravy!

And so goes days 2 and 3 of Spring Break.