Thursday, August 19, 2010

Trying to Enjoy the Season

This summer kind of had a theme--beat the heat. Because when we didn't I notice bright red faces in all the pictures (like ones at the ballpark). We spent lots of time at the lake, the May's pool, our backyard pool and even making our own slip n slide. I also let the girls discover Sonic slushes this summer, which they love. Hence the blue tongue picture. ;) And of course the main event of this summer was bringing McClain into our family. So this layout is a very quick recap of our summer.

And I had to include a "new 'do" photo of Caroline too. It's since gotten shorter (don't know whether to laugh or cry). She'd gotten so many compliments on her haircut she decided to do it again. (sigh) She now has no bangs. And at the same time, Sarah Kate decided to "be like Caroline". So after 3 painstaking years of trying to get her hair to grow, we're now back at square one. SK looks like the 60s model Twiggy just to give you an idea of how short hers is. And scissors are forever banished from our house! My scrap scissors are hidden in the far recesses of my laundry room cabinet where one would have to climb over washer and dryer and then dig to find them!

So that's been our summer in a nutshell--water activities, slushes, a major scissor crisis, and a brand new precious baby!

I'm trying to Enjoy the Season through THIS season of my life. Right now it's full of very little sleep, childhood curiosities and parental frustrations. But it's also full of sweet newborn snuggles, tender big sister/baby brother moments, little girls playing "house" with babies in their tummies, and joy in my heart that I'm here to witness all these things--the good and the bad. I'm rejoicing, or at least trying to, for these blessed moments, regardless of the minor setbacks that seem so major at the time.


erin said...

what a beautiful, honest post. it is difficult at times to embrace and accept what the Lord has called us to do.
so very true.

Kelly Massman said...

Love that you got so many photos in this cute layout! Kids are so much fun sometimes and so full of challenges for us at others!