And so what'd I go and take pictures of first? Layouts of course! LOL! This is the one I did about a week and a half ago with the Inspired Blueprints sketch #11.
This one's Sarah Kate hanging out with my dad while we were at the beach after Christmas. It's taken at my very favorite restaurant down there, Lulu's. On New Year's Eve at noon, Lulu's holds a "Noon Year's Eve" for the kids, and they roll out HUGE rolls of bubble wrap. They line all the boardwalks, aislesof the restaurant, etc. with pink bubble wrap, then countdown the New Year (at noon), and the kids go ballistic stomping on the bubble wrap. It really does sound like fireworks, and it's a blast! However, it's a nightmare to try to photograph! This picture was taken after the stomping of the wrap. Sarah Kate and Dad were chillin, listening to the easygoing music, bubble wrap still underfoot. She was as content as could be. Thus the name of the LO.
Well, now that I have my camera back in hand, I'm off to shoot a few more LOs and my kids too if this rain will ever stop!
I hope you're enjoying your weekend, and like Sarah Kate are as content as can be!
May God grant you His peace.
Love the pinks and browns in this layout.
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