because we had a WHITE Christmas!!! I was so excited to wake up Christmas morning and find that it had snowed, my first white Christmas ever! (My parents 1st one too. That's how rarely it's snows here, much less on Christmas Day) AND it continued to snow all throughout the day. It was so pretty to watch it fall while we opened presents. So peaceful and beautiful!
Of course I took pictures! LOTS of them! Here are a few of my favorites.

Okay, so that was most all my favorites! Got a little "add picture" happy. But it was so much fun! Caroline's favorite part of the day--not Santa, not opening presents, but "Hitting Daddy with snowballs!" Sarah Kate didn't last as long, only staying out about 30-45 min. That might have something to do with the giraffe print garden gloves she had to wear. (We're not that equipped for snow around here, or at least not the kids. Josh of course had his ski pants and Vail coat so he stay nice and warm.) And just so I don't get fussed at, Mac only stayed out about 5 min., was triple layered, and had on 2 hats. And he was sleeping when we took the family picture, not neglected.
So that was our white Christmas! No more dreaming of one, we actually got one! :D